How to Juggle Studying and Learning to Drive


Learning to drive is a valuable skill, and having your own car allows you to be more independent, opens up new job opportunities, and gives you the opportunity to travel. With all these benefits, you might be keen to book your first driving lesson as soon as you're old enough, but what if you're busy with studies? Can you learn to drive without seeing a decline in your grades, or feeling overwhelmed by stress?

24 August 2016

Why You Need Induction Training

Education & Development Blog

General induction training is necessary if you want to work on a construction site in Australia. This includes both internships and full-time jobs. The only exception is if you are working in an emergency capacity. Otherwise, you will need induction training to legally work on site. What Will You Learn? In the OH&S general induction training, two types of training will be covered—construction induction and site induction. This will prepare you for the actual hands on job with the tools and for safety on the site.

22 July 2016

What Lorry Drivers Should Know about Dangerous Goods Training

Education & Development Blog

As a lorry driver, you likely have the basic qualifications that you need to drive either short or long hauls. If you do have other certifications and qualifications, they are probably for your current job and are likely for specific tasks related to the job, like scrap metal certifications or refrigerated certifications. One certification or course that may come up is dangerous goods training. If you don't know if this type of training will help you, consider what this training is and how it assists companies and drivers.

19 July 2016

4 Steps to Getting an Independent School Bursary or Scholarship for Your Child

Education & Development Blog

Independent schools have many advantages including freedom to tailor curriculum according to student needs, lower pupil-to-teacher ratios and high academic standards among others. However, because these schools wholly rely on tuition and charitable donations for funding (no outside intervention), the cost of education is considerably higher compared with state-funded or other private or parochial schools. If you're looking to take your child to an independent school but cannot fully afford it, the following are steps to take to apply for a scholarship/bursary that could reduce or lift your financial burden.

7 July 2016

The value of dressing up in early childhood education

Education & Development Blog

Young children often like dressing up in different costumes and roleplaying as different characters. Dressing up can be a great way to explore some different educational concepts and social skills in a fun and age appropriate way. Here are some tips for parents and carers to help them maximise the educational value of dress up sessions. Secret powers and language development One of the fun aspects of dressing up is that characters often have special powers that the person dressing up usually does not have.

22 June 2016

HVAC Contractor Looking for More Work? Get into Air Duct Cleaning

Education & Development Blog

Whether you're a solo HVAC contractor, or you have your own team, you may have struggled to find ways to expand your business. There are only so many heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems in your local area that need repairing, installing, or maintaining. When you run out of business, what can you do? Your best option is to expand the services you offer, and air duct cleaning is one of the easiest paths for an HVAC contractor to get into.

16 June 2016

The Dos And Don'ts of Driving Under Heavy Fog


If you are a newbie to driving or are taking beginner driving lessons, you should be very careful when driving under certain weather conditions like fog. Driving under a heavy fog is not advisable, but you may not have a choice at times. For instance, you may have not have an alternative but to go through the fog if you must go to work. So how can you drive safely through the fog?

9 June 2016

Tips and tricks to survive truck training school


Even in your heights of excitement, truck driving school may still bring your anxiety and place butterflies in your stomach. What if you don't manage to pass your tests? Or what if the studying part becomes too much to handle? Not to worry. Going through truck driving school successfully is not a difficult task. The mixed feelings of anxiety and excitement are totally normal as you face something new. If you're looking to have the best experience, then here are a few things you can try out before and during your course.

9 June 2016

Education Systems in Australian High Schools

Education & Development Blog

The education system in Australia divides post primary education in to secondary (high school) and senior secondary. There is great focus on studying English and Mathematics as core subjects coupled with extra-curricular activities.If you are selecting the best institution to send your child and want to find out which education systems are available, the information below can be a start. General Information  Government run (public) boarding high schools are fewer than independently funded (private) institutions.

19 May 2016

Why It's Always Best to Have a Concreter Pour Your Concrete for You

Construction & Contractors Blog

Pouring a new driveway or slab for a patio may not seem like a difficult job for many homeowners. However, this job is actually more involved than you may think, which is why it's often best to have a concreter handle it instead. Note a few reasons why a concreter is the better option for a new driveway, walkway, foundation repairs, and other such concrete pouring on your property. 1. Pouring versus placing concrete

10 May 2016